All You Need To Know About Ethical Jewellery


Jewellery may be frivolous and thrilling, it may be sentimental and nostalgic, but the reality of production can be a different story.

As with all areas of fashion it is very easy to overlook the journeys our products have been a part of. In an era of disposable, cheap and fast fashion, we need to take a very important step back and reassess why and how products are made and delivered to the consumer.

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Sweatshop Deadly Fashion | Who Made My Clothes?


Where are your clothes made?

Have you ever thought about who sewed the clothes you are wearing? Have you ever wondered whether it was a woman, a man or a child? And what about if they work in a safe environment with fair wages and conditions?

Three Norwegian bloggers Ludvig, Frida and Anniken, decided to travel to Cambodia to see for themselves the truth behind sweatshops.

'Sweatshop' is a documentary series that will show you the hard reality we can't see from the shop floor where we buy our clothes. We are sure that this documentary and its touching journey will change your view on how the fast fashion industry works.

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