Vegan Pineapple Leather | Pinatex | Ethical Fashion

Vegan Pineapple Leather | Pinatex | Ethical Fashion

The world is changing.
The fashion industry is changing.
The way we create things is also changing.
Pinatex, a new revolutionary material created and developed for a Spanish woman, Dr Carmen Hijosa.

But what is Pinatex?

"Pinatex is a natural, sustainable textile made from the fibres of pineapple leaves, which are the waste from the pineapple harvest. Because the leaves are the by-product of an existing industry no additional land, water, fertilizers or pesticides need to be used to produce them, so the raw material has a very low environmental impact compared to other textile crops."



Pineapple leather, also known as Piñatex, is a natural and sustainable alternative to traditional leather. It is a plant-based material made from the fibers of pineapple leaves, which are a byproduct of the pineapple industry. Pineapple leather offers several advantages over animal leather, making it an eco-friendly choice for conscious consumers and industries.

One of the key benefits of pineapple leather is its sustainability. By utilizing pineapple leaf fibers, this material reduces the need for additional land, water, and resources that would be required for the cultivation of traditional leather. It also contributes to the circular economy by repurposing agricultural waste and reducing landfill waste.

Pineapple leather is appreciated for its natural texture and appearance. It has a unique, textured surface that resembles genuine leather, providing a desirable aesthetic for various applications. The material can be dyed and finished in different colors and textures, offering versatility for designers and manufacturers.

In terms of performance, pineapple leather exhibits favorable characteristics. It is lightweight, breathable, and flexible, providing comfort and functionality in various products. Pineapple leather also offers good tensile strength and durability, making it suitable for use in accessories, footwear, bags, and even furniture upholstery.

From an ethical standpoint, pineapple leather is a cruelty-free alternative to animal leather. It eliminates the need for animal farming, which involves ethical concerns and environmental consequences such as deforestation for grazing land and the emission of greenhouse gases. Choosing pineapple leather over traditional leather supports animal welfare and reduces the carbon footprint of the fashion and leather industries.

Pineapple leather has gained recognition and popularity in recent years as a sustainable material. It aligns with the increasing demand for eco-friendly and responsible products. Many fashion brands and designers have started incorporating pineapple leather into their collections, promoting its use and raising awareness about its benefits.

However, it's important to note that pineapple leather, like any material, has certain limitations. It may not possess the exact same properties as animal leather, and its aging characteristics might differ. Ongoing research and development efforts are underway to improve the quality, durability, and performance of pineapple leather, addressing any limitations and expanding its range of applications.

In conclusion, pineapple leather, or Piñatex, is a sustainable and natural alternative to traditional leather. Made from pineapple leaf fibers, it offers numerous advantages, including its eco-friendly production process, unique texture, and favorable performance characteristics. As consumer demand for ethical and sustainable products continues to rise, pineapple leather represents a promising solution for industries seeking to adopt more responsible practices while maintaining style and functionality.

What is the process?

"The fibres that make Piñatex™ come from pineapple leaves. The fibres are extracted from the leaves during a process called decortication, which is done at the plantation by the farming community. Furthermore, the by-product of decortication is bio-mass, which can be further converted into organic fertilizer or biogas."

"Both the extraction of the fibers and the consequent bio-mass will bring added revenue stream to the farming communities. The fibres then undergo an industrial process to become a nonwoven textile, which is the base of our material Piñatex™."

"The final step in the making of Piñatex™ takes place at a textile finishing company in Spain, where our unique finishing process is done before being shipped all over the world."



The production process of pineapple leather begins with extracting the fibers from pineapple leaves. These leaves are obtained after the pineapple harvest, making use of a waste material that would otherwise be discarded. The fibers are then processed and transformed into a non-woven textile, which serves as the base material for pineapple leather.





Is Pinatex 100% Cruelty-free?

"Yes, no animal by-product is used in any stage of the production of Piñatex."

"We have been certified as “Vegan Fashion Label” by PETA* and received their Innovation Award (2015), which was a first for raw material."


What about Pinatex uses?

"Piñatex is a mass-produced sustainable and versatile textile oriented to the following industrial sectors:





Where can we find bags made of Pinatex?

At Velvety, you can find beautiful Pinatex fashion items among other sustainable materials such as cork, cactus leather, leaves leather, apple skin, etc... 

We are expanding our collection of Vegan brands all the time. Have a look here >



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