Sustainable Winter Wardrobe  What's In Your Closet? - Velvety

Sustainable Winter Wardrobe – What's In Your Closet?


Sustainable fashion means that the materials used in the production process are renewable, recyclable, or biodegradable.


This includes fabrics, dyes, and other components. Sustainable clothing also uses less water and energy during production, which helps reduce pollution and conserve resources.

A sustainable winter wardrobe doesn't mean you have to spend thousands of dollars to overhaul your closet. In fact, a quick and easy way to make your existing wardrobe greener is by choosing natural fabrics, organic materials, or recycled items. Natural fabrics are often better at regulating body temperature and therefore keeping you warm in the winter months when compared to manmade materials like polyester or nylon.


Plus they look great! Here's what we recommend:

Base Layer


Base layer is the foundation for your winter wardrobe. It should be loose and breathable to allow for heat and moisture to escape, made from natural materials like organic cotton, and long enough to cover the wrists (if you’re wearing a watch) and ankles. Having a good base layer will mean that as soon as you step outside, you feel warm.

Mid Layer


When choosing a mid layer, it's important to think about what kind of weather conditions you'll be facing. For example, if you're going on a hike and don't know how cold it's going to be, opt for something comfortable that can easily pack away when things heat up, like our sustainable sweaters and jumpers.

sustainable-sweater winter

Outer Layer

Waterproof, breathable, and windproof are all important characteristics of an outer layer. Waterproof zippers can help keep you dry in a downpour, breathability is ideal for allowing sweat to evaporate and cool air to pass through the jacket, and windproof fabrics prevent heat loss. Nowadays, you can find a variety of recycled plastic jackets and coats to keep you warm during winter.



Underwear and accessories are often made from a variety of fabrics. When choosing socks, consider sustainable fabrics like organic cotton. Organic cotton is an excellent option for underwear because it is softer, more durable and healthier for your skin.

Natural fabrics like linen are also great options for scarves because they're comfortable against the skin and can help you stay warm in winter weather.


Choosing sustainable and natural fabrics

Organic cotton


If you're looking to make your clothes last longer, the first step is choosing sustainable fabrics like organic cotton.

Organic cotton is grown without pesticides and chemical fertilisers, which means it's healthier for the environment as well as for people working in the fields. It's also made from non-genetically modified organisms, so there are fewer chemicals used during production and it doesn't have any genetically modified material in it.

Finally, organic clothing has a more responsible manufacturing process that does not require synthetic chemical treatments or dyes (again decreasing environmental impact).

Find organic cotton clothing for men and for women at Velvety's online store.

organic cotton plants



Natural fabrics like linen are the way to go. This doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style for sustainability. In fact, you might find that natural fabrics are even better for your body than synthetic ones. Natural materials like linen are also less likely to cause allergic reactions in people with sensitive skin (and they smell so good!).

It's important that we support manufacturers who use sustainable practices by buying their products and telling others about them! The more people buy these items, the more demand there is for them—and eventually this could result in an industry where all clothing is made sustainably!



Recycled materials


Clothes made with recycled materials are awesome because they make use of fabrics that would otherwise go to waste and create new beautiful pieces that you'll be extremely proud to wear. This is called upcycled fashion, and it's something you can either do yourself or buy online. At Velvety, for example, we have an entire collection of upcycled clothing.

Would like to dive deeper into sustainable fabrics? Check out our guide to vegan and sustainable fabrics.


You can make your existing wardrobe more sustainable by selecting natural, organic or recycled clothing.

Now that we’ve covered some of the basics on building a sustainable wardrobe, you can start making your own choices. You don’t need to go all out and replace everything you have, as long as you’re conscious of what you buy going forward.
What are some pieces in your closet that could be replaced with more sustainable options? Or do you have any pieces that don't fit into any of these categories? Let us know in by commenting this blog post!


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