BLOG Velvety

How to Start an Organic Vegan Skin Care Routine

If you're looking to switch your skincare routine from conventional products to more natural, organic options, you need to be careful on what you choose. Going vegan with your skincare is an excellent way to ensure that no animals were harmed during production and that only the highest quality ingredients are used. In this post, we'll discuss why transitioning to an organic vegan skincare routine might benefit you and how you can get started.

1.   Determine Your Skin Type

Knowing your skin type is vital before looking for organic vegan products. The four most common types are dry, oily, combination, and sensitive. Knowing this will help you determine which product ingredients may be beneficial or potentially irritating to your skin. You can do a simple test at home to find out your skin type:
  1. After washing your face, leave it bare for about an hour
  2. Take note of how your skin looks and feels during that time
  3. If your face becomes shiny or oily, you have a combination of oily skin
  4. If it's dry, flaky, or itchy, you have dry skin
  5. If your face feels tight after an hour of no product, you have sensitive skin

    2.   Examine the Available Options

    Once you know your skin type, it's time to look at organic vegan skincare options. It can be overwhelming at first with all the different products and ingredients, so take your time researching what each product is formulated for. This will help you narrow down which ones are right for your needs.
    The best organic vegan skin care products typically contain natural and organic ingredients like aloe vera, coconut oil, shea butter, and essential oils. Hemp skincare products are also becoming increasingly popular, as they are rich in omega fatty acids and antioxidants that can provide nourishing benefits to the skin. You'll also want to ensure products are free of harsh chemicals like phthalates, parabens, and sulphates.

    3.   Check the Labels

    Reading and understanding what organic vegan skin care product labels say is essential. The ingredients list should always be checked as any other information that may help determine if it suits your skin type. If a product lists an ingredient known to irritate, it's best to look for a different one.
    Every ingredient should contribute to your quest for healthy skin, and awareness of any potential allergens is essential. It's also recommended to check for third-party certifications, such as Leaping Bunny or USDA Organic, which guarantee that the products are vegan and organic.


    4.   Start Slow and Test Products Individually

    When you start using organic vegan skin care products, going slow is important. This means introducing one product at a time so you can test how your skin reacts to the ingredients individually. If your skin doesn't react well to one or more ingredients, you can determine which one it is and adjust accordingly. You may also need to experiment with different products until you find the best combination for your skin. Everyone's skin is unique and may require a personalised routine explicitly tailored to their needs.

    5.   Give it Time

    We often want immediate results regarding skincare, but it's important to give natural skincare products time to work. Depending on the product and your skin type, you may need several weeks or months before seeing any effects. Patience is critical, so keep going even if your routine doesn't provide results immediately. If you don't see any improvement after a few months, switch up your products or consult a skincare expert.
    Healthy skin requires consistent care, and following an organic vegan skincare routine can help you achieve the glowing complexion you've always wanted. You may be surprised at the results if you commit to a regular regimen with safe and natural ingredients.




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